All the world’s stage belongs to...a lil bat? After an unfortunate event, Kuroko has been shrunk down to her alter ego, Komori-chan. With her entertainment partner, Sparx, by her side, as well as all the techniques learned from her fellow content creators, she'll take on anyone with no hesitation.
Special Attacks​
Neutral special: Silent Bells - Imitation Karameru's sound waves, Komori-chan will scream on top of her lungs to deal damage.​
Foward Special: Demon Drill - Despite not being a demon anymore, Komori-chan can use Doodle Demon's forward speical.​
Up Special: Sparking Teleport - Using what he learn from their friend, Skarpantre, Sparx will teleport Komori-chan while dealing damage.​
Down Special: Ukelele - Despite not actually having a ukelele, Komori-chan can hum some beautiful tunes like Gingerpale's.